Srirangam Ranganathaswamy Temple Details
Main Deity : Sri Ranganatha Swamy (Lord Vishnu)
Other Deities : Separate sanctorum for Thayar, Chakkarathazhvar, Udayavar (Ramanujar Sannidhi), Garudazhwar Sannidhi, Dhanvandri Sannidhi, Hayagrivar Sannidhi.
Prominence of the Shrine : In appreciation of the rigorous penance of the creator Brahma, Maha Vishnu offered him the Sriranga Vimana. The Sriranga Vimana infact enclosed the Vaikundam. After worshipping it for ages, Brahma offered the Vimana to Indira. Indira offered it to Surya Deva after worshipping it for ages. Surya Deva continued with his worship of the Vimana for ages and offered it to a king of Ishvagu a pedigree of Surya Kula. Ishvagu and his pedigree worshipped the Vimana for a long time. A descendant of the Ishvagu pedigree, Dasaratha worshipped it and his son Sri Rama offered the Vimana worship. After the Ravana quelling at the crowning ceremony, Sri Rama offered the vimana as a gift is Vibhhishana.
The blissful Vibhishana, while carrying the Vimana to Sri Lanka, placed it on the bank of Cauvery near Chandra Pushkarani. He performed the evening rituals and came back to lift it, but he could not. As he prayed to Lord Ranganatha, the Lord Himself in an eerie voice told Vibhishana that he wishes to stay at the Cauvery bank itself. However, he agreed to be looking south only in the direction of Lanka. From then on Lord Ranganatha has been gracing the devotees facing south. A simple construction to this Lord was made by Dharmavarma Chola King. The present temple is the result of contribution from many Kings who ruled after Dharmavarma Chola.
Srirangam Temple Timings
6.00am-7.30am, 9.00am-12.00pm, 1.30pm-5.30pm, 7.00pm-9.00pm.
Viswaroopa Sevai - 6.00 – 7.15 AM
Pooja : 7.15 – 9.00 AM
(closed for devotees)
Dharsan - 9.00 – 12.00 AM
13:15-17:45 15:00-18:00
18:45-20:45 18:45-21:00
Pooja Details Panjarathinam
Nearest Town : Trichy.
Address : Arulmigu Ranganathaswamy Thirukkoil,
Srirangam, Trichy 620 006.
Telephone Number : 0431 -2432246
Special details : The temple itself is built on a grand scale. It is the foremost among the 108 Vaina Dhivya Desam. It is hailed as “Boologa Vaikundam”. Goddess Lakshmi visits here everyday to perform poojas. Eleven Azhwars with the exception of Madhurakasi Azhwar have sung 247 Paasuras in praise of Renganatha. It was here that the Emperor poet Kambar presented Ramayana for the first fime (near Thayar Sannidhi).
Architectural Importance : Srirangam is an island of 600 acres surrounded by the river Cauvery. Srirangam boasts of housing the Ranganatha Temple which is supreme among the 108 Vaishnava Sthalas (Divya Desams). The temple has seven protecting walls which open to 21 towers. The outermost wall measures 950 x 816 meters. The Rajagopuram is the tallest tower in south India sporting a height of 72 metres (220 feet). The temple built by Dharmavarma Chola got buried in sand consequent on the floods of the river Cauvery. A king called Kili Chola (Parrot Chola) identified the buried Vimana as per the dreams he had and also on the off repeated words of the parrot which identified the Vishu temple of Vaikundam buried there. He built the temple enclosing the sanctorum.
Hotels Near Srirangam Ranganathar Temple
1. Mathura Hotel,
No 1, Rockins Road, Tiruchirappalli Townhall,
Trichy - 620002, Opposite Central Bus Stand Contonment
Tel : +(91)-431-2414737, +(91)-9894558654.
2. Mayavaram Lodge,
No 87, Vanapattarai Street, Tiruchirappalli Townhall,
Trichy - 620002, Teppakulam Post,
Tel : +(91)-431-2711400, 2704089
3. Femina Hotel,
109, Williams Road, Tiruchirappalli 620001,
Hotel Area: Trichy Central Bus Stand / Railway Junction Area,
Tel : 0431 - 2414501.
4. Hotel Rockfort View,
05, Odathurai Road | Chinthamani, Tiruchirappalli 620 002.
Mobile: +91 740 2713466.
Tel : +91 431-2713466.
5. Grand Gardenia,
22-25 Mannarpuram Junction,Trichy-620020,
Mobile : +91 95856 44000.
Tel : +91 431 4045000.
Restaurants Near Ranganathar Temple, Srirangam :
1. Ragunath Restaurant,
College Road, Tiruchirappalli.
2. Parthasarathy vilas,
Vegetarian / Vegan Restaurant
Kondayam Pettai Agraharam, Thiruvanaikoil, Trichy 620005.
3. Banana Leaf
Madras Trunk rd ,
Tel : 0431-2793287
4. Vasanta bhavan
N. S.B. Road, Tiruchirappalli, India
Tel : +(91)-431-2708282, +(91)-8508204247
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