Sri Kamatchi Amman Temple




Main Deity : Aadhi Kamatchi, Dava Kamatchi.

Temple Tree : Mango Tree.

Prominence of the Shrine : Goddess Amman has done a penance towards Shiva by standing in  single leg at this location. Here, Sri Vaikunda Perumal (Lord Vishnu) who is the brother of Amman is  arriving with his gifts to her sister’s marriage with Velleeswaran (Lord Shiva).  Lord Vishnu holds the  Prayoga Chakra on his right hand is a uniqueness of the idol.  Devotees used to pray their wishes with  Amman and once their wishes come true they used to offer a saree for Amman. 

Temple History : As per puranas Goddess Amman performed a penance and later she shifted  Kanchipuram Kamatchi Amman Temple.  She is also called in two other names as Aadhi Kamatchi  (Aadhi meaning first) and Dava Kamatchi (Dava meaning penance).  Once at mount Kailash Parvathi  Devi closed Shiva’s eyes playfully.  As Shiva shuts his eyes entire world went into dark and the living  beings were suffered.  As this event happened due to Parvathi she was cursed to born as a normal  human being at earth.  Later she did a severe penance at a forest filled with mango trees to attain  Lord Shiva.  So Mnago tree is a temple tree for this temple.  Later Lord Shiva appeared as  Velleeswaran and married her consort.  Velleeswaran is also called as Parkeswaran.  Due to her  severe penance the entire earth’s temperature got increased to several fold and the living beings struggled to live.  Then Sri Aadhi Sankara who was born in Kaladi, Kerala arrived to Kanchipuram and  incarnated the Sri Chakra which has 43 corners.  As per mythological beliefs, Sri Chakra helped  reducing the heat on the earth.  Aadhi Sankara’s Sri Chakra is kept at the main sanctum sanctorum of  this temple. 

Parihara : Devotees should carry 2 lemons while visiting the temples and they should come to this  temple for consecutive six weeks.  After the pooja, One of the lemons will be returned to the devotee  and they should keep that in their pooja room and worship every day.  The mythological belief is  Kamatchi Amman is arriving to our homes in the form of lemon and helping our dreams come true. 

Tuesday, Friday and Sundays are auspicious days for Kamatchi Amman.  If unmarried devotees visit  this temple and worship to the goddess they will get married soon.  Married couple who has  difficulties in having children if they worship here soon they will get pregnant is the belief.  Devotees  once their wishes are fulfilled visit the temple and offer a saree to Amman.  Devotees also should  visit Sri Velleeswarar temple and Sri Vaikunda Perumal temple, Kanchipuram along with Mangadu  Kamatchi Amman temple.

Temple Timings : Morning 6:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Evening 3:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
Please note on Tuesday, Friday Sundays Temple is open from 5:00 A.M. to night 9:30 P.M.

Temple Festivals : Chithirai Festival for 10 days. Special poojas are performed on Tamil, English new year days, Deepavali, Pongal, Navarathiri, Masi Magam, and Maga Shiva Rathri days.

Address : Sri Kamatchi Amman Temple,

Mangadu – 602 101, Kanchipuram Dt.

Telephone Number : +91- 44 - 2627 2053, 2649 5883.

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