Van Purushothaman Temple 

Thiruvan Purushothama, Thirunangur




Main Deity : Purushothamar.

Ambal : Purushothama Nayaki.

Other Deities : Rama, Seetha, Lakshman, Anjaneyar.

Theertham : Tiruparkadal Theertham.

Temple Tree : Jack and Plantain trees.

Prominence of the shrine : This temple rank 30th among the 108 Divya Desas of Perumal.  Lord Purushothaman appears in a standing  posture facing east.  Mother Purushothama Nayaki blesses devotees from Her own shrine in the southwest side of the temple in a sitting  position.  Shrines of Sri Andal, Lord Rama with Mother Sita and Sri Lakshmana, Sri Anjaneya, Nammazhwar, Udayavar Sri Ramanuja,  Senai Mudaliar are in the inner prakara.  There are 3 Anjaneyar shrines in this temple.  In the Sri Rama shrine, Anjaneyar appears in a  worshipping position with hands folded and mouth closed.  This place is also called as Van Purudothamam or Van Purushothama

Temple History : Similar to the story of Mother Parvathi feeding Saivite child saint Tirugnana Sambandar with wisdom milk, Lord Perumal brought here the milk ocean itself to feed a hungry child.  He is called as Sirkali Van Purushothaman.  Devotees pray to Lord  considering Him as Lord Sri Rama.  Sage Vyakrapadar came to this temple with his child Upamanyu, placed him at the entrance of the  temple and went to pick flowers for Lord.  The child began to cry for food which fell in the ears of Lord reclining in the milk ocean.  He  immediately created a milk ocean in this place.  Mother Purushothama Nayaki fed the child with the milk.

People who worshipped here : Upamanyu, Vyakrapadar.

Poets who sang its praise : Tirumangai Azhwar.

Temple Timings : Morning 08:00 am to 11:00 am, Evening 05:30 pm to 08:00 pm.

Temple Festivals : Panguni Uthiram in March-April; Pavithra Utsav in Aavani Poornima day in August-September and Thai month Garuda Seva on the next day of new moon.

Nearest Town : Sirkazhi.

Temple Address : Van Purushothaman Temple,

Thiruvan PurushothamamThirunangur - 609 106, (Sirkazhi-Thirunangur), Nagapattinam District.

Telephone Number : +91- 4364-256221.

Hotel Near Van Purushothaman Temple, Thiruvan Purushothamam :

1.Chola Inn,

105, Pidari South Street,


Tamil Nadu 609111,

Ph: 094444 93388.


2.Ayarpadi Hotel,

Old NH,Thenpathi,Sirkazhi,

Tamil Nadu 609110


3.Hotel Aryabhavan,

Old NH,Thiruvalluvar Nagar,


Tamil Nadu 609111.


4.Mangala Vilas Hotel,


Tamil Nadu.


5.Ganesan Hotel,

Sirkazhi, Tamil Nadu.

Resturant Near Van Purushothaman Temple, Thiruvan Purushothamam :

1.Samboorna Restaurtant,

Old NH,Thenpathi,Sirkazhi,

Tamil Nadu 609110


2.Garden Restaurant,


Tamil Nadu 609110


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