Kaattazhagiya Singaperumal Temple

Sri Rangam, Trichy


Main Deity : Kaattazhagiya Singar.

Moorthy : Garuda. 

Thala Vruksham / Temple Tree : Vanni Tree. 

Prominence of the Shrine : This shrine stands as a fifteen century old temple. In 1279 A.D., the VeeraPandyan named Jadaavarman Sundara Pandyan beautified the temple by renovating and re – consecrating it. He also built the Sri Rangam Chitthirai Veedhi and renovated it. He is also called as “Kaliyuga Raman.” The Brahmin priests’ residence was named as “Kaliyuga Raman Chathur Vedhi Mangalam” after him.  

This temple is approximately 1.5 km away from the Sri Rangam temple. If we come out of the Sri Rangam temple’s East Raja Gopuram which has the ‘Thousand pillaired Mandapam’ and go through the Keezh Adayavalanjan street to the small road going towards the East for a km, we can reach this temple.  

This temple is situated facing towards the West. While entering the temple, one can see a big, beautiful Mandapam on the left. The Sri Rangam Namperumal comes to this Mandapam in a palanquin [ Pallakku ] on the day of Vijayadasami. Here ‘Thiruvaaradhanam’ , ‘Amudhupadigal’ are offered to Namperumal. Following this, he goes for “Paar Vettai” in his golden horse chariot. After the ‘Thiruvaaradhanam’ is offered to the Vanni Tree in the temple, the ‘Vettai Utsavam’ begins. The mandapam, thus is of immense importance.

If we walk past the Bali Peedam and see in the top of the front Mandapam, beautiful images can be seen. In the Thiru Sutru, we can first see the Gajaananar, who is the leader of the Vishwaksenas and many other Parivara Devadhaigal. [ sub- gods/ apostles. ]. Next, we can see the Yoga Ananthar and the Yoga Narasimhar. In the Gayathri Mandapam, the devotees can see and worship the Yoga Narayanar and the Yoga Varaahar.

While coming around the Prakaram, at the back of the Sannidhi, there are nine Tulsi Maadams in line, one after the other. Towards the right are the Vanni tree and the trees with the Naga Prathishtai.

The karpagraha with the towering Vimanam, Muga Mandapam and the Maha Mandapam can be seen. On its opposite side, there is the Sannidhi for Garuda. The Karpagraha, the Antharaalam, Muga Mandapam, Maha Mandapam and the Garuda Sannidhi are placed in a straight line. Many other Mandapams were built by the Chakra Raya and the Nayak kings who rose in the Utthama Nambi lineage.
The paintings in the walls of the Mandapam are very beautiful. 

The dharshans of Narasimha appearing from a pillar, Fighting with Hiranyakashipu, defeating and killing him in his lap as Ugra Narasimhar, Prahallaadha praying to the God to calm and pacify himself, God appearing as Lakshmi Narasimhar and Yoga Narasimha can be found here. 

The beautiful Dasaavathara appearances are found in the pillars of the Durai Pradhakshinam which is the Kulasekaran Thiruchhutru. We can see the Kaattazhagiya Singaperumal in the Karpagraha as Lakahmi Narasimha having Lakshmi in his lap.
The God appears magnificently and with grandiose with his 8 feet tall structure and teeth made of silver. Generally, Lord Vishnu appears facing the East. But in this temple, He is found to be facing towards the West. The Swathy star is the Zodiac sign of this Perumal. On every Swathy star day, Thirumanjanam is done to the Lord with grandeur here. People worshipping the Lord on this day will get whatever they want. It is also a common belief that uncurable diseases can also be cured.

The Thirumanjanam is also offered to the God on specific days on the request of the devotees. If a person worshipped the God on Pradhosham days, it is a belief that they get a boon to bear a child. The Varsha Nakshatram of God is in the Aani month and the Jyeshtabhishekam takes place in the Aadi month. The Panaka Naivedyam which is very much liked by Narasimha is very special here. If we give Vellam, Sukku, and cardamom to the priests for the offering to the god, they will mix it with the Theertham and make Panakam and offer it to the Lord. That Prasadham is offered back to the devotees. It is a belief that by this practice God will grant the wishes of the devotees.

This temple has yet another specialty. Pillai Lokaacharya Swamy, who succeeded Mahaan Sri Ramanuja, offered a miraculous Grantham called ‘Sri Vasana Bhooshanam’ to this temple. While offering it to this temple, he instructed its secret meanings to his students in this temple. Hence this temple is a very important shrine for the Vaishnavites.

Temple History : The Narasimha Avatar is the fourth avatar of Lord Vishnu. In this avatar the God has the Head of a lion and the body of a human being with pointed nails, hence called Nara – Simha. He is considered as the god who saves his devotees in the right time. ManMMany centuries ago, this place was a dense forest. The elephant herds which went from Thiruvaanaikkaval to Sri Rangam trampled the crops, spoiled the agriculture and created great fear among the local people.
To save the people from the elephants, Vallabha Deva Pandyan, also known as Nedumaaran, who was the disciple of Periya Aazhwar, requested the God to reside here and built a temple. After that, the trouble caused by the elephants reduced greatly. Since the God resided in the forests, he came to be known as “Kaattazhagiya Singar”.

Temple Timings : Morning - 06:15 am to 12:00 noon.  Afternoon – 05:00 pm to 08:15 pm.

Pooja Details : Morning 06:15 am to 07:45 am - Vishwaroopa Dharshan.

07:45 am to 09:00 am - Seva time.

09:00 am to 12:00 noon – Thirumanjanam.

11:00 am to 12:00 noon - Uchi Kalam and no dharshan.

Evening 12:00 noon to 05:00 pm - Seva time period.

05:00 pm to 06:00 pm - Seeraannam.

05:00 pm to 08:15 pm - Seva.

Temple Festivals : On the Vijayadashami day from when the God Ranganathar stayed here, dharshan time is from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm. After that, the God goes in his “Kudhirai Vaahanam” to the streets and propels an arrow to the Vanniya Tree and then returns through the North entrance into the Moolasthanam.

Nearest Town : Tiruchirappalli.

Temple Address : Kaattazhagiya Singaperumal temple, Nelson Road, Sri Rangam, Tiruchirappalli – 620 006.

Hotels Near Kaattazhagiya Singaperumal Temple, Trichy 

1. Mathura Hotel,

No 1, Rockins Road, Tiruchirappalli Townhall,

Trichy - 620002, Opposite Central Bus Stand Contonment 

Tel : +(91)-431-2414737, +(91)-9894558654.


2. Mayavaram Lodge, 

No 87, Vanapattarai Street, Tiruchirappalli Townhall,

Trichy - 620002, Teppakulam Post,

Tel : +(91)-431-2711400, 2704089


3. Femina Hotel, (25 km from Temple)

109, Williams Road, Tiruchirappalli 620001,

Hotel Area: Trichy Central Bus Stand / Railway Junction Area,

Tel : 0431 - 2414501.


4. Hotel Rockfort View, (16 km from Temple)

05, Odathurai Road | Chinthamani, Tiruchirappalli 620 002.

Mobile: +91 740 2713466.

Tel : +91 431-2713466.


5. Grand Gardenia, (23.8 km from Temple)

22-25 Mannarpuram Junction,Trichy-620020,

Mobile : +91 95856 44000.

Tel : +91 431 4045000.


Restaurants Near Kaattazhagiya Singaperumal Temple, Trichy :

1. Ragunath Restaurant, 

College Road, Tiruchirappalli.


2. Parthasarathy vilas, 

Vegetarian / Vegan Restaurant

Kondayam Pettai Agraharam,

Thiruvanaikoil, Trichy 620005.

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