Subramanya Swamy Temple
Nanganallur, Chennai




Main Deity : Subramanya Swamy.

Prominence of the shrine : Subramanya Swami (Murugan) is called as Tamil God by Tamilians.  He is  the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati.  When Lord Shiva gave out fire from the forehead eye (Netrikan in  Tamil) of all six faces, Lord Vayubagavan took the fire and left in Saravapoigai river.  That fire grew up  as six children by six Karthigai women.  Pavati who is the mother of all six, when tried to hug all the  children together, Lord Muruga appeared.

Among 27 stars, eight star is Pusam.  The day which falls on Pusa nakshatram in the Tamil month of  Thai (Jan 15 to Feb 15) is celebrated as “Thaipusam” festival.  Thaipusam falls on fullmoon day.  The  universe is believed to have originated on the Thaipusam day.  Thaipusam is Lord Muruga's special day.   All Gods appealed to Lord Shiva to destroy demons and save them.  Accepting the appeal, Lord Shiva  took an avatar which is Murugan avatar to save them.  Parvati gave the weapon “Vel” in Tamil to Lord  Muruga on Taipusam day.

For this reason, Thaipusam festival is celebrated grandly in all Murugan temples.  With the help of the  weapon called “Vel”, Lord Muruga destroyed all demons and saved all Gods.  It is believed that if we  worship Lord Murugan’s weapon “vel”, we will be relieved from evils.  There are many names for Lord  Muruga.  Some are Velan, Kugan, Kumaran, Arumugam, Kandan, Saravanabavan and Subramanian.   The Lord Subramanian means the superior of the Fermat.

Temple Timings : Morning 06:00 am to 12:00 noon, Evening 04:00 pm to 08:00 pm.

Temple Festivals : Thaipusam.

Nearest town : Chennai.

Temple Address : Subramanya Swamy Temple,

Nanganallur, Chennai-600061.

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