Parthasarathy Temple

Triplicane(thiruvallikeni), Chennai



Main Deity: Parthasarathy, Venkatakrishnar.

Ambal: Rukmani, Sri Devi, Bhoodevi.

Holy Water: Kairavini pushkarini.

Temple Tree: Magizha maram.

Prominence of the Shrine: The main Idol (moolavar) appears with moustache a feature which cannot be seen anywhere. The lord here stands with well framed shoulders, conch in the right hand, the left pointing to the feet, standing tall, broad , majestic, bigger eyes, white moustache, wearing knife in the hip, garland of Saligramam and Aadhiseshan adorning his head. As Lord Vishnu is pointing to the Krishna here, He is called as “Venkata Krishnan”. Beside Venkatakrishnar stand Rukmani Devi in all her majesty, sharp nosed, smiling lips holding the lotus flower in her right hand. To her right is Balarama with a plough. To the left of Venkatakrishnar is brother Sathyagi and next to him are the son Prathyumnan and the grandson Aniruthan. It is a divine experience to stand near the Sannidhi and offer worship. The offering to the perumal does not include groundnut oil and chili. Instead ghee and pepper are added. During Vaikunda Ekadesi from the sixth day to the tenth day of “Pagal pathu”(the ten days during day time), Pathasarathy can be worshipped without moustache. For the Urchavar the moustache is among the decorations on Friday only.

Temple History: A king called Sumathi was much devoted to Lord Perumal(Vishnu) particularly Sri Krishna who led the Pandavas in the Mahabharata war. He yearned for a dharshan of Sri Krishna. He became sorrowful to know that he would have to cross many mountains, rivers and forests to reach the place where Krishna lived. Lord Krishna appeared in his dream and told him that at a place called Bridharanyam (a forest of Thulasi -Thiruvallikeni) He would appear in the form of Krishna. King Sumathi came here and saw for himself the Lord (Krishna) who was the charioteer to Arjuna in the Mahabharata war. He then raised a temple here.

In olden days, though the idol of the Lord was cast three times, the face of the Lord continues to have pimples. As the sculptor was worried about it, Venkatakrishnar appeared in his dream and convinced him that he(krishna) has received injuries on the face by the arrows shot at him, at the Mahabharata war, He appeared so to remind them. So goes a tale.

The idol of Lord Parthasarathy is fine with all the other parts smooth except the face with its marks. Not only that; the toe next to the big toe in the left leg is without nail. The arrow shot by Bhishmar to mark his surrender hit the nail of Krishna. At the hip of Parthasarathy there is a scar, it is said, which was formed as Yasodha tied a rope around the hip.

Who worshiped here: Thirumazhisai Azhwar, Peyazhwar, Sri Ramanujar, Thirumangai Azhwar.

Temple Timings: 6am to 12noon 4pm to 9pm.

Temple Festivals: Chithirai – Bramotsavam; Aani- Narasimhar Bramotsavam; Aadi- Pournami; the following day- Thirumanjanam after removing gold plating of Urchava; Aavani-Sri Jayanthi; Puratasi- all Saturdays important; Maargazhi- Pagalpathu, Vaikunda Ekadasi, Rapathu, Thiruvizha; Masi- Theppam

Nearest Town: Chennai.

Address: Sri Parthasarathy Temple, Triplicane, Chennai-600005.

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