Annamalaiyar Temple




Main Deity : Annamalaiyar (aka., Arunachaleswarar)

Ambal : Unnamulaiyamman, Abithakusalambal

Holy Water : Brahma Theertham ,Siva Gangai Theertham

Temple Tree : Magizham Tree

Prominence of the Shrine : This temple is considered as capital for Shaivite followers. This temple represents the “Fire” out of five sacred places on the earth (pancha bootha sthalam). If you think of this temple itself will get you a eternity. Many Siddah ( sages lived in Southern India) lived around this temple and the mountain. Some of the popular sages who lived in this temple city was Sri Ramana Maharisi, Yogi Ram Surathkumar, and Seshathri Maharishi. Very famous tradition on this temple is “Giri Valam” which is worshipping the god by rounding the temple and the mountain. This is approximately 19 KM walk surrounding the entire mountain. On the festival day of Karthigai the big fire lamp is lit at the top of the mountain and lakhs of devotees across the country visits here to feel the event.Also on the path of ‘Girivalam’ there are eight Lingas (one each for eight direction) are incarnated and very recently dedicated temples are constructed. Those Eight Lingas are as follows:

Indra Lingam: (East Direction)

This is the first lingam while the hill circumambulation, worshipping this lingam yields healthy and wealthy life.

Agni Lingam: (South East)

This is the second lingam, It placed near The Lotus tank, This is the only lingam placed on right side of the circumambulation path, all other lingams are placed on left side, It occupies the South East direction, worshipping here retrieves us from all diseases and to face challenges of life.

Yema Lingam :  (South)

This is the third lingam, and it occupies the South direction, it also has a holy tank called "Simma Theertha", it is believed that, worship of this resolves economic problems.

Niruthi Lingam: (South West)

This is the fourth lingam, while we see the peak of the holy hill Arunachala, it views accompanying of two parts of mountain and shows 'Sivan' and 'Sakthi' together. It placed in south west of Arunachala. It also has a holy tank nearby, called "Sani Theertha", worshipping here relieves us from our difficulties.

Varuna Lingam: (West)

This temple placed West of the hill Arunachala, this is the fifth lingam. It is 8 kilometers away from the Rajagopuram. One of the holy tank called "Varuna theertha" is here. Workship of this temple retrieves from crucial diseases and promotes ones social status.

Vayu Lingam: (North West)

The whole world is made up of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Sky. no living creature can survive without Air. While reaching this temple we feel the pleasantness of spring and get peace of mind. it is placed in Northwest direction. Worshipping here is of confers boon on ladies and children.

Kubera Lingam: (North)

This is the seventh lingam. Almost all of the devotees , who comes for circumambulation, worship here by soaring coins and currencies on this lingam. Worship of this lingam grants economic growth, and promotes peace of mind. It is placed in North direction.


Esanya Lingam: (North East)

This is the eighth and last lingam. Here gets peace of mind ability to concentrate mind on God works out his way to heaven.

Temple History : As per old Hindu mythology there was a debate between Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma as to who was superior. They sought the help of Lord Siva to judge who was really superior; Lord Siva grew into a long flaming light stretching between earth and heaven, and asked them to find root and crown. Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma agreed to this competition.


Brahma agreeing to reach the crown took the form a swan and flew, and flew to an extending height and could not reach the crown. In his upward flight he caught hold of a flower of Pandavas falling from Siva's crown and requested the flower to bear a false witness that he collected it from Siva's crown . Knowing this Lord Siva cursed Brahma that he would never be worshipped in the temple, and banished Pandavas flower from his adornment.

Lord Vishnu took the form of pig and kept digging down to reach Siva's foot; Siva was really pleased with the humility of Vishnu and took him his heart.

Temple Timings Morning : 5:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Evening 3:30 PM to 9:00 PM

Pooja Details : Six times a day

Temple Festivals : Chithirai – Vasantha Urchavam – 10 days.
Vaigasi – Vishagam – 10 days
Aani – Aani Brahmorchavam – 1 day
Aani – Thirumanjanam (for Natarajar) – 1 day
Aadi – Aadi Pooram – 10 days; Sundara Urchavam – 1 day
Avani – Avani Moola Urchavam 1- day
Purattasi – Navarathiri (Dussera - 9 days)
Aippasi – Annabishegham – 1 day; Kantha Sasti 6 days
Karthigai _ Deepa Brahmorchavam – 17 days.
Maasi – Maha Shivarathiri
Panguni – Panguni uththiram

Nearest Town :  Thiruvannamalai

Address : Sri Arunachaleswarar Temple, Thiruvannamalai - 606601.

Hotel Near Annamalaiyar Temple, Thiruvannamalai :


No.7, Sriram Nagar,Polur Road, Tiruvannamalai – 606601.

Tamil Nadu, INDIA

Ph: + 91 4175 254755 / 758 / 759

Fax: + 91 4175 254756

2.Hotel Ashreya

9,Ganapathy Nagar Chengam Road,

Thiruvannaamalai 606603, India

Ph:093600 13511

3.Ramkrishna Hotel ,

34-F, Polur Road,

Tiruvannamalai - 606601.

Telephone: 04175-250003,250005,250006

Mobile:+91 944 496 0005

4.Lakshmi Residency Inn

69, Chengam Road, Opp.Sri Ramana Asaramam,

Thiruvannamalai-632603,Tamil Nadu, INDIA.

Tele :914175-236099.

Fax :914175-235757


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