Varadaraja Perumal Temple
Thirumanikkoodam, Thirunangur




Main Deity : Varadaraja Perumal.

Ambal : Thirumamagal Nachiyar(Shri Devi, Boodevi).

Other Deities : Garudazhwar, Namazhwar.

Theertham : Chandra Pushkarni.

Prominence of the shrine : This temple is in the 37th place of the 108 Divya Desams.  Altar and Garudazhwar shrine are present as we  enter the temple.  Mahamantap and Arthamantap are present.  Varadaraja Perumal the presiding diety in the Sanctum Sanctorum in a  standing posture on a lotus pedestal is facing east.  In the right hand side of the square shaped lotus pedestal Sridevi appears in the  standing position and the Earth Goddess is seen on the left hand side.  The procession God stays nearby.  In the northern side of  Arthamantap Nammazhwar graces in the sitting posture.  Garuda seva function will take place for all 11 Perumal on the next day of new  moon every year.  Thirumanikudam Varadaraja Perumal among the 11 Perumal will appear in Golden Garuda vagan.  Chronic diseases  will be cured on worshipping the God in Thirumanikudam.

Temple History : Thakkan had 27 daughters.  The Moon married all the 27 daughters of Thakkan.  The Moon promised Thakkan that he  would love all the 27 wives equally and not biased to anyone.  But the moon was with great love only to Rohini.  So all the other  daughters appealed to their father.  So Thakkan cursed the Moon to decline his beauty and light every day.  The Moon started to decline  every day.  To get redressed from the curse he went to many temples and finally reached Thirumanikudam. The Lord Vishnu (Perumal)  appeared in the form of Varatha Raja Perumal and removed the curse of the Moon.

People who worshipped here : Garudazhwar, Moon.

Poets who sang its praise : Thirumangai Azhwar.

Temple Timings : Morning 06:00 am to 11:00 am, Evening 05:00 pm to 08:00 pm.

Temple Festivals : Vaikunda Ekadesi.

Nearest Town : Sirkazhi.

Temple Address : Varadaraja Perumal Temple,

Thirumanikkoodam - 609 106, Thirunangur, Nagapattinam district.

Hotel Near Varadaraja Perumal Temple, Thirumanikkoodam :

1.Chola Inn,

105, Pidari South Street,

Thenpathi, Sirkazhi,

Tamil Nadu 609111,

Ph: 094444 93388.


2.Ayarpadi Hotel,

Old NH,Thenpathi,Sirkazhi,

Tamil Nadu 609110.


3.Hotel Aryabhavan,

Old NH,Thiruvalluvar Nagar,


Tamil Nadu 609111.


4.Mangala Vilas Hotel,


Tamil Nadu.


5.Ganesan Hotel,

Sirkazhi, Tamil Nadu.

Resturant Near Varadaraja Perumal Temple, Thirumanikkoodam :

1.Samboorna Restaurtant,

Old NH,Thenpathi,Sirkazhi,

Tamil Nadu 609110.


2.Garden Restaurant,


Tamil Nadu 609110.


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